"Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14

Monday 26 November 2012

Where's This Bus Going?

A story is told of a man who habitually slept in as long as he could every morning, awoke one day even later later than usual. Looking at the clock, he bolted out of the bed, dashed cold water on his face, quickly ran his razor over, made a hasty pass with his comb through his hair, gulped down a glass of milk, grabbed his briefcase, gave his wife a "Dagwood" kiss as he ran out the door, and raced to catch the bus. He barely got on it as it began to pull away. Dropping a coin in the meter, he lurched down the aisle towards a seat. Suddenly he looked around and breathlessly blurted out, "By the way, where's this bus going?"

This story reminds me of many people today including me. Taken up with the rush of everyday activities, they neglect to make sure the're headed in the right direction. But the day will come when they will be confronted with the realities of life and death. then they will be forced to answer the question, "Where Am I Going? Am I headed the right way?"

Perhaps as you read this article, you realize that you have made some bad choices and now your life is a mess. If you are on the route of the temporal, the fleshly, the selfish desires and pleasures of your own choosing, wake up and ask yourself, Where is this bus going? Am I headed in the wrong direction?" If you are, be sure to get off the next stop. Reverse your course by placing yourself in the Lord's hands. Surrender to His will. Let Him take control. Then you'll be on the road of joy in this life and headed for eternal reward in the life to come.

Too many persons are in too much hurry, going in too many directions, to nowhere, for nothing!

1 comment:

  1. Indeed an inspiring story with a warning. Hope we all make sure we are headed towards the right direction.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
- T Walling