"Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14

Monday, 26 November 2012

Where's This Bus Going?

A story is told of a man who habitually slept in as long as he could every morning, awoke one day even later later than usual. Looking at the clock, he bolted out of the bed, dashed cold water on his face, quickly ran his razor over, made a hasty pass with his comb through his hair, gulped down a glass of milk, grabbed his briefcase, gave his wife a "Dagwood" kiss as he ran out the door, and raced to catch the bus. He barely got on it as it began to pull away. Dropping a coin in the meter, he lurched down the aisle towards a seat. Suddenly he looked around and breathlessly blurted out, "By the way, where's this bus going?"

This story reminds me of many people today including me. Taken up with the rush of everyday activities, they neglect to make sure the're headed in the right direction. But the day will come when they will be confronted with the realities of life and death. then they will be forced to answer the question, "Where Am I Going? Am I headed the right way?"

Perhaps as you read this article, you realize that you have made some bad choices and now your life is a mess. If you are on the route of the temporal, the fleshly, the selfish desires and pleasures of your own choosing, wake up and ask yourself, Where is this bus going? Am I headed in the wrong direction?" If you are, be sure to get off the next stop. Reverse your course by placing yourself in the Lord's hands. Surrender to His will. Let Him take control. Then you'll be on the road of joy in this life and headed for eternal reward in the life to come.

Too many persons are in too much hurry, going in too many directions, to nowhere, for nothing!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Friends Vs Homies

I guess you'd figure out where you fit into among the two, by the time you finish reading this:

Friends: Never asks for anything to eat or drink 
Homies: Help themselves and are the reason why I have no food 

Friends: Would bail you out of jail 
Homies: Would be sitting next to you sayin' "THAT WAS F**KING AWESOME!!! Lets do it again!" 

Friends: Won't laugh at you. 
Homies: Will embarrass your Ass when everyone is around! 

Friends: Has never seen you cry 
Homies: Won't tell everyone else you cried...just laugh about it with you in privately when your not still down. 

Friends: Asks you to write down your number. 
Homies: Have you on speed dial 

Friends: Borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back. 
Homies: Loses your shit and tells you, "My bad...here's a tissue." 

Friends: Only knows a few things about you 
Homies: Could write a very embarrassing biography on your life story... 

Friends: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing 
Homies: Will kick the ASS of the entire crowd that left you. 

Friends: Would knock on your front door 
Homies: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME" 

Friends: Know some of your embarrassing moments... 
Homies: Are next to you making them! 

Friends: You have to tell them not to tell anyone 
Homies: They already know not to tell... 

Friends: Are only through high school 
Homies: They are for life 

Friends: Will be there to take your drink away from you when they think you've had enough 
Homies: Will look at you stumbling all over the place & say "Bitch drink the rest of that you know we don't waste good shit!" 

Friends: Will leave you in a ditch 
Homies: Will drag you out of the ditch and laugh at your ASS later! 

Friends: Would ignore this letter 
Homies: Will send this back to the person who sent it to you! 

"Wazup homie!! Howz it going!!"

***With inputs from Urban Dictionary***
Visit: Urban Dictionary @ http://www.urbandictionary.com/

Sunday, 18 November 2012

A Theological Test

Do you know your doctrine?  If you are interested, you can take a little theological test.  Following are 20 basic Christian Doctrine questions.  All you need to do is write down the answers to the questions, and when you are done, click on the Answers Page at the end of this test and find out how you did.  Of course, there are a lot more questions that could be asked, but these will serve as a sample.

Also, some of the questions deal with essential doctrines.  In other words, if you deny them, then you are not a Christian.  Do you know which ones are essentials?

1. How many Gods are there in the universe?
    A. One    B. Two    C. Three    D. Many

2. The Trinity is . . .
    A. Three separate Gods    B. One God who took 3 consecutive forms   
C. One God in three persons    D. A completely false doctrine

3. Jesus is . . .
    A. God in flesh    B. An angel who became a man    C. A good man
D. A great prophet

4. How many natures does Jesus have?
    A. One    B. Two    C. Three   D. More

5. The Holy Spirit is . . .
    A. An invisible force like radar   B. A divine spark in all of us   
C. Third person in the Trinity    D. A god

6. Sin is . . .
    A. There is no sin    B. A misinterpretation of reality    C. A state of mind   
D. Breaking God's Law

7. Human nature is basically. . .
    A. Good    B. Sinful    C. Neutral    D. Divine

8. In what manner did Jesus rise from the dead?
    A. As a spirit    B. In the same body he died in    C. He did not rise from the dead
D. The disciples made up the resurrection story

9. Hell is . . .
A. Right here on earth    B. A state of mind
C. A place of eternal fire and torment D. There is no hell

10. Heaven is . . .
A. Right here on earth    B. A state of mind    
C. A place of eternal joy and peace with God    D. There is no heaven

11. Salvation is . . .
A. A condition of mental awareness    B.  Within our own essence    
C. Universal resurrection    D. Deliverance from the eternal consequence of sin: damnation

12. Salvation is attained by . . .
A. Grace through faith after all you can do    B. Grace through faith    
C. A state of your mind    D. Obeying all of God's laws
13. The Devil is . . .
A. An equal and opposing force to God    B. Not real    C.  A figment of people's
 Minds    D.  An angel who rebelled against God
14. The Bible is . . .
A. The inspired word of God    B. A nice history book    C. Full of contradictions
 and errors    D. A story book of metaphors

15. The Rapture is . . .
A. A serious head rush    B. A New Age meditation philosophy    C. The catching
up of God's people into the sky at Jesus' return.   D. An Old Testament Jewish feast

16. Adam and Eve . . .
A.  Were the first man and woman created by God    B. Were evolutionary
representatives of homo sapiens    C. Are mythological figures    D. Never existed

17. How many ways are there to God?
A. Just one. Through Jesus    B. Many ways    C. As many ways as there are people
D. It depends on the religion

18. When you die . . .
A.  You go to purgatory    B.  You go to heaven or hell    C.  You don't exist anymore
D. You are reincarnated

19. Evolution . . .
A. Is how we got here    B. Is not a viable option for Christians   
C. God used evolution to bring man into existence    D. Proves there is no God

20. Why did God create us? . . .
A. As an experiment    B. He was bored    C. To save us, love us,
and have us love Him    D. For pawns in his cosmic game

Sunday, 11 November 2012

The Cross Room

The young man was at the end of his rope. 
Seeing no way out, he dropped to his knees in prayer. 
"Lord, I can't go on," he said. "I have too heavy a cross to bear."
The Lord replied, "My son, if you can't bear it's weight,
just place your cross inside this room.
Then open another door and pick any cross you wish."
The man was filled with relief.
"Thank you, Lord," he sighed, and did as he was told.
As he looked around the room he saw many different crosses;
some so large the tops were not visible.
Then he spotted a tiny cross leaning against a far wall.
"I'd like that one, Lord," he whispered.
And the Lord replied,
"My son, that's the cross you brought in." 
Courtesy: GodVine @ GodVine

When life problems seem overwhelming, it helps to look around and see what others are having to endure. Then you may see for yourself that you are more fortunate than you realized.