"Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14

Saturday, 3 May 2014


Perception is a valuable part of our reasoning process.  It equips us to comprehend some things without being told.  It is the ability to sense the atmosphere of an occasion and to make proper responses.  It is insight into a set of circumstances which requires our best thinking.  Perception is the art of forming opinions and making evaluations based on what we believe to be the truth.

The problem is that sometimes perception and reality are not the same.  Because of our human limitations, we are quite capable of jumping to conclusions which are unfounded.  How often have we all formed opinions and made comments on the basis of what we thought was obvious only to learn later we had been mistaken?  For this reason, we have to constantly monitor our perception to make sure that which we perceive is consistent with that which is.  This is not an easy assignment, even for people of integrity, because we live in a world of confusing information.

Public perception is often marred by the mismanagement of facts.  Rumor and misinformation get mistaken for the truth.  This is why we must continually repent, rethink and recommit ourselves to Him who is the way, the truth and the life.  Only in Christ Jesus can our perceptions be accurate and our opinions Godly.  Only in Him, who strongly advised us not to be judgmental, can we make evaluations that are redeeming.  Through prayer and deep devotional activity, we are able to distinguish between wholesome perception and unfounded suspicion.

If indeed God has given us the gift of perception, it is not for us to be super-pious and critical, but to be intercessory in our relationship to others.  What goes around usually comes around.  Sooner or later we are all going to need the caring skills of others to help heal the wounds of our own lives.  Our most healthy prayer may be, "Lord, I honestly believe, help me now to properly perceive.  May the words of my mouth never betray the confession of my heart that you are Lord of lords and King of kings forever."

The measured tree overflows.

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- T Walling