"Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14

Friday 28 September 2012

He Takes Care of Us!

Matthews 10:31 "So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."

One day a man was attending a church service. While the congregation sang a hymn "His Eyes Is On The Sparrow", the person standing next to him was crying. He was curious and he whispered into his ears, "Why are you crying?". The person replied he was crying because he realized how God was taking care of him. And so, tears of joy streamed down his cheeks as God spoke to him through that song.

When we read Matthews 10:29 and 31, we may instantly think that, how can this life, which is created in the very image of God be compared to a sparrow? Because we all know the fact that a sparrow is a small and insignificant bird. 

As the Word of God says, "Don't we sell two sparrows for a coin?. Yet none of them fall down to the earth apart form the will of God. So fear not, you are worth more than the sparrows." What Jesus was trying to say in this passage is not about the value of our lives, but He was talking about the compassion of God.

If God could take care of an insignificant bird, will He not draw His attention to us and show compassion and take care of us, and make each of us His child? For this reason, Will He not take care of us? Be strong and have faith. His is watching over us.

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- T Walling