We take too much in life for granted don't we! Express appreciation to God for His blessings; to your wife or husband for what he or she means to you; to you children for who they are; to your friends; to the people with whom you work. Never miss an opportunity to make an expression of appreciation for something. Really what life is all about is our relationships...people loving and helping each other...we get and we give...we are thankful. Then we find it easier to accept life, and as we accept life, we find peace.
Here are some words which inspire me:
Here are some words which inspire me:
Celebrate the temporary...
Don't wait till tomorrow
Live today.
Celebrate the simple things...
Enjoy the butterfly
Embrace the snow
Run with the ocean
Delight in the trees
Or a single lonely flower
Go barefoot
In the wet grass.
Don't wait
Until all the problems
Are solved
Or all the bills
Are paid.
You will wait forever
Eternity will come and go
And you
Will still be waiting.
Live in the now
With all its problems
With its agonies
With its joy
And its pain.
Celebrate your pain...
Your despair
Your anger
It means you're alive
Look closer
Breathe deeper
Stand taller
Stop grieving the past.
There is joy and beauty Today
It is temporary
Here now and gone
So celebrate it
While you can
Celebrate the temporary.